The Japan Steel Works Group Standards of Business Conduct

As a company aiming to realize a sustainable society, The Japan Steel Works Group shall comply with all laws, international rules and their spirit, and fulfill its social responsibilities with high ethical standards, both within and outside Japan, based on the following ten principles.

1.Sustainable economic growth and resolution of social issues

To develop and provide socially useful and safety-conscious products, technologies and services through innovation in order to achieve sustainable economic growth and solve social issues.

2.Fair business activities

We will conduct appropriate business transactions and responsible procurement based on fair and free competition. We will also maintain sound relationships with politics and government.

3.Fair information disclosure and constructive dialogue with stakeholders

To actively and fairly disclose appropriate corporate information and engage in constructive dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders in order to enhance corporate value.

4.Respect for human rights

Respect the human rights of all people.

5.Trust with customers

To gain the satisfaction and trust of society and customers by reflecting market and customer needs in our products, technologies, and services, and by promptly responding to customer inquiries and other inquiries.

6.Reform of work style and enhancement of work environment

Ensure a good working environment by realizing work styles that respect the diversity, personality, and individuality of employees.

7.Environmental Initiatives

We recognize that addressing environmental issues is an important corporate responsibility, and we will act proactively.

8.Contribution to social participation and development

As a corporate citizen, we will participate in society and contribute to its development.

9.Thorough crisis management

Thoroughly implement systematic risk management against antisocial forces that threaten civil society and corporate activities, terrorism, cyberattacks, natural disasters, etc.

10.Role of Top Management and Thorough Enforcement of these Standards

Recognizing that it is his/her role to realize the spirit of this Code of Conduct, the top management, after establishing effective governance, shall ensure that the Company and its affiliated companies are fully aware of the Code of Conduct and encourage the supply chain to act in accordance with the spirit of this Code of Conduct.
In the event that a situation occurs that violates the spirit of this Code of Conduct and causes a loss of trust from society, top management will take the initiative in resolving the problem, investigating the cause, preventing recurrence, and fulfilling its responsibilities.


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