Respect for human rights

The Japan Steel Works Group aims to simultaneously create social value and corporate value through its business activities.
One of the 10 principles of "The Japan Steel Works Group Standards of Business Conduct" to be adhered to realize these two aims is "Respecting the human rights of all people." The business activities of the Japan Steel Works Group are varied to a wide range of fields and are made up of connections with a lot of kind of stakeholders, which might have various impacts on the human rights of those involved.
Therefore, as a member of society, the Japan Steel Works Group has established "The Japan Steel Works Group Human Rights Policy" for the sake of promoting respect for all human rights related to all its business activities.

The Japan Steel Works Group Human Rights Policy

The Japan Steel Works Group aims to realize "Decent Work" for all officers, employees, and temporary workers belonging to Japan Steel Works Group and Japan Steel Works supply chain through the followings.

1. Basic Policy on Human Rights

(1) Prohibition of Discrimination

Respect human rights and individual diversity, we do not unfairly discriminate on creed, race, ethnicity, skin color, origin, religion, nationality, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, family environment, presence or absence of disability, social status, employment status etc.

(2) Prohibition of harassment

We do not engage in behavior that violates human rights, damages personal dignity, or any other harassment based on gender, status, etc.

(3) Prohibition of Child Labor and Forced Labor

We never engage in child labor or forced labor through all our business activities in all countries and regions where we operate.

(4) Respect for basic labor rights

We comply with labor laws and practices in all countries and regions where we operate, and respect basic labor rights such as the right to organize and bargain collectively.

(5) Establish healthy and safe working environment

We establish a working environment that respects the human rights of employees and temporary employees engaged in the business activity of the Japan Steel Works Group.
We provide a healthy and safe working environment by thoroughly managing Safety & Health and preventing Harassment and promote the enhancement of systems that lead to a work-life balance to create an environment in which more diverse human resources can work comfortably.

2. Positioning and scope of application

This policy complements "The Japan Steel Works Group Standards of Business Conduct" and "The Japan Steel Works Group Basic Procurement Policy" and applies to all officers, employees, and temporary employees of the Japan Steel Works Group.
We also encourage our suppliers and business partners to understand this policy and work together to respect human rights.

3. Compliance with laws and international norms related to human rights

The Japan Steel Works Group respects international norms such as the internationally recognized International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
We also promote efforts to respect human rights based on international guidelines such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
In addition, the Japan Steel Works Group complies with the laws and regulations applicable to each country and region where it conducts business activities. If there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the laws and regulations of each country or region, we will search ways to respect internationally recognized human rights.

4. Human rights due diligence

The Japan Steel Works Group will establish a mechanism to implement a human rights due diligence based on the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and will identify impacts, risks related to human rights, and will strive continuously to prevent and mitigate negative impacts on human rights.

5. Remedies and Corrections

If it is found clearly that The Japan Steel Works Group's corporate activities have a negative impact on human rights, we will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights by taking appropriate action to correct and prevent any recurrence.

6. Education

We will continue to provide appropriate education and training to officers, employees, and temporary employees in order to permeate this policy into all business activities of the Japan Steel Works Group.

7. Dialogue and consultation

The Japan Steel Works Group will engage in dialogue and consultation with relevant parties as a response to potential or actual negative impacts on human rights.

8. Information Disclosure

The status and results of efforts to respect human rights by the Japan Steel Works Group will be reported on our website and elsewhere.

September 28, 2022
The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.


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