Health and Safety

Policy for Health and Safety Activities

In JSW Group, which operates primarily in manufacturing, ensuring the health and safety of employees has always been a top priority. We consider our health and safety initiatives to be part of a corporate foundation and corporate culture rooted in an emphasis on human capital and respect for human rights.
We are carrying out these activities in accordance with the policy below, with the aim of maintaining and improving the health of employees and preventing occupational accidents.

  • Basic Philosophy
    • To fulfill our social responsibility, we have positioned health and safety as a vital part of our management policy, and work to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved in our business.
    • We have established and operate an occupational health and safety management system, and prioritize health and safety in all of our business activities to foster workplaces where employees can work safely and with peace of mind.
  • Basic Policy
    • (1) We will comply with health- and safety-related laws and regulations, as well as internal standards, and steadily promote their establishment as rules, customs, and culture.
    • (2) Based on strong leadership from top management, employees, the labor union, and JSW Group will work in unison to establish a safety management system to prevent occupational accidents and health hazards.
    • (3) We will invest the resources necessary for effective workplace improvements.

Health and Safety Promotion Structure

The promotion structure for health and safety activities in JSW Group is as follows.

Health and Safety Promotion Structure Health and Safety Promotion Structure

Health and Safety Initiatives and Results

In JSW Group, we specify priority items for health and safety activities each fiscal year, and the Group (as well as the labor union) and suppliers of each plant work together on activities aimed at achieving zero occupational accidents.
Our major sites have acquired certification for their occupational health and safety management systems, and are enhancing the effectiveness of their activities.
To promote employee health, including mental health care, the Group conducts periodic stress checks and strives to properly manage working hours, among other activities.

Site Certification Date acquired/renewed
Hiroshima Plant ISO45001 August 12, 2022
Japan Steel Works M&E OSHMS June 5, 2021

Frequency Rate of Accidents per Million Workhours1

Frequency Rate of Accidents per Million Workhours
  • Frequency rate of accidents calculated from lost-worktime, serious and fatal accidents during the fiscal year
  • Including partner companies on Company premises
  • Excluding certain Group companies
  • Manufacturing industry averages are from the survey of occupational accident trends (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).
Frequency Rate of Accidents per Million Workhours
  • Frequency rate of accidents calculated from lost-worktime, serious and fatal accidents during the fiscal year
  • Including partner companies on Company premises
  • Excluding certain Group companies
  • Manufacturing industry averages are from the survey of occupational accident trends (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).


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