Environmental Management

Environmental Policy

JSW Group is committed to being an environmentally responsible corporate citizen.
We emphasize environmentally responsible production and technology as means to support sustainable social development in harmony with ecosystems.

Action Plan

  • Systematically implement environmental initiatives and continuously promote environmental conservation.
  • Set appropriate objectives and targets to reduce environmental impact, including on biodiversity.
  • Provide society with products and services that contribute to environmental conservation.

    (1) Improve the social value of our products in terms of the environment, health and safety.

    (2) Provide products and services that reduce environmental impact by understanding environmental needs and developing technologies.

Shared Business Site Policies

Business sites set environmental policies, objectives and goals in accordance with international standards with due consideration of their operations and nearby communities.

  • (1) Comply with laws, regulations and JSW Group agreements with external entities.
  • (2) Prevent pollution and reduce and properly process waste with due consideration for impact on ecosystems.
  • (3) Use resources more productively by saving energy and by saving and recycling resources.
  • (4) Require employees and on-site companies to understand and abide by business site policies.

Environmental Management Structure

Recognizing the importance of conducting its business activities in harmony with both the international and local communities, JSW Group has been promoting environmental management activities throughout the Group since 1997.
The Environmental Management Committee, headed by the director in charge of environmental management, determines Group-wide annual environmental management policies and action plans, and monitors and evaluates the progress of environmental management activities. Each plant has its own environmental supervisory committee and works to promote environmental management activities, as part of JSW Group's unified approach to reducing its environmental impact.

Environmental Management Structure Environmental Management Structure

JSW's Hiroshima, Yokohama and Meiki plants and Group companies Japan Steel Works M&E, Inc. and Nikko-YPK Shoji Co., Ltd. have obtained ISO 14001 certification, an international standard for environmental management systems.

Business Site ISO 14001 Certification

Business Site Original Certification Date Current Certification Body
Hiroshima Plant December 18, 1998 JQA
Yokohama Plant September 4, 2006 JQA
Meiki Plant March 4, 2005 JQA
Japan Steel Works M&E December 18, 1998 LRQA
Nikko-YPK Shoji February 7, 2005 JQA
  • Note: Certification bodies
    LRQA: Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Limited
    JQA: Japan Quality Assurance Organization


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