Non-financial data

Climate change

Indicator Scope of data Fiscal Year Mid- to Long-Term Target
2021 2022 2023
CO2 emissions (Scope1 + Scope2)
[kt-CO2] *1
The head office
and the Group's main manufacturing sites
(Hiroshima Plant,
Yokohama Plant,
Meiki Plant,
Japan Steel Works M&E,
JSW Aktina System)
168 153 150 45% reduction in FY2025
(compared to FY2013)
60% reduction in FY2030
(compared to FY2013)
(Scope1) 65 61 61
(Scope2) 103 92 89
Energy consumption [TJ] *2*3 1,746 1,646 1,654
(Other than renewable energy) 1,737 1,594 1,459
(Renewable Energy) 9 52 195
Energy consumption [GWh] *3 485 457 459
(Other than renewable energy) 483 443 405
(Renewable Energy) 2 14 54
Renewable Energy Rate [%] 0.5 3.2 11.8 25% or more in FY2025
40% or more in FY2030
  • *1  Previous years' figures have been revised to improve accuracy.
  • *2  For consistency with our response to the CDP, we changed the calculation to 1GWh=3.6TJ instead of using the primary energy conversion factor for electricity in the Energy Conservation Law when posting data for FY2023, and also revised the figures for previous years.
  • *3  In order to meet the needs of various stakeholders, the figures are shown in both joules and watt-hours.
    There is no need to add them together.


Indicator Scope of data Fiscal Year Mid- to Long-Term Target
2021 2022 2023
Water withdrawal [thousand m3] *1 The head office
and the Group's main manufacturing sites
(Hiroshima Plant,
Yokohama Plant,
Meiki Plant,
Japan Steel Works M&E,
JSW Aktina System)
16,910 16,164 16,086
(Industrial water) 11,759 11,309 -
(Water supply) 122 113 -
(Seawater) 5,023 4,729 -
(Groundwater) 7 13 -
(Fresh surface water, including rainwater, water from wetlands, rivers, and lakes) - - 3,282
(Brackish surface water/Seawater) - - 4,590
(Groundwater - renewable) - - 4
(Groundwater - non-renewable) - - 0
(Produced/Entrained water) - - 0
(Third party sources) - - 8,209
Number of manufacturing sites
in water-stressed region *2
The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
and Affiliated Companies
0 0 0
Total water withdrawal by manufacturing sites in water-stressed region
[thousand m3]
0 0 0
Water recycled [thousand m3] The head office
and the Group's main manufacturing sites
(Hiroshima Plant,
Yokohama Plant,
Meiki Plant,
Japan Steel Works M&E,
JSW Aktina System)
6,059 6,059 6,059
Water discharge [thousand m3] *3 16,888 16,157 16,063
(Fresh surface water) - - 0
(Brackish surface water/seawater) - - 15,989
(Groundwater) - - 0
(Third-party destinations) - - 75
Number of fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations 0 0 0
Fines and penalties for water-related regulatory violations [yen] 0 0 0
  • *1  Water withdrawal breakdown classification changed from FY2023.
  • *2  Using the World Resources Institute's (WRI) Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas and other resources, we annualy check water stress of the regions where our and our affiliates' manufacturing sites are located.
  • *3  Previous years' figures have been revised to improve accuracy.


Indicator Scope of data Fiscal Year Mid- to Long-Term Target
2021 2022 2023
Waste generated volume [t] The head office
and the Group's main manufacturing sites
(Hiroshima Plant,
Yokohama Plant,
Meiki Plant,
Japan Steel Works M&E,
JSW Aktina System)
85,429 84,061 72,637
(Hazardous waste) *1 - - 183
(Non-hazardous waste) *2 - - 72,453
Waste emission volume [t] *3 34,894 41,577 32,145
(Hazardous waste) - - 183
(Non-hazardous waste) - - 31,961
Final waste disposal volume [t] 21,031 25,347 21,516
(Hazardous waste) - - 14
(Non-hazardous waste) - - 21,502
Waste recycling volume [t] *4 64,398 58,714 51,121
(Hazardous waste) - - 170
(Non-hazardous waste) - - 50,951
Waste recycling rate [%] *5 75 70 70
(Hazardous waste) - - 93
(Non-hazardous waste) - - 70
Chemical substances (amounts emitted and transferred) [t] *4*6 231 214 208
SOx Emissions [t] 50 51 45
VOC Emissions [t] 58 55 48
  • *1  Specially controlled industrial waste under the Act on Waste Management and Public Cleaning
  • *2  Waste other than hazardous waste
  • *3  The figures for previous years have been revised to align the definition of waste emissions with the Ministry of the Environment's environmental guidelines.
  • *4  Previous years' figures have been revised to improve accuracy.
  • *5  Waste recycling volume / Waste generated volume
  • *6  Chemical substances subject to PRTR(Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) Law


Indicator Scope of data Fiscal Year Mid- to Long-Term Target
2021 2022 2023
Number of violations of environmental laws and regulations The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
and Affiliated Companies
0 0 0
Environmental fines and penalties [yen] The Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
and Affiliated Companies
0 0 0

Management system

Indicator Scope of data Fiscal Year Mid- to Long-Term Target
2021 2022 2023
ISO 14001 acquisition rate of manufacturing sites [%] The Japan Steel Works, Ltd. 100 100 100


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